New Ranger Program for Tagalaka Country
New Ranger Program for Tagalaka Country.
On International Women’s Day, meet Kathy Rowling. Gulf farmer, leather worker, community champion and very good company.
On International Women’s Day, meet Crystal Leonardi, mum, author, publisher, motivational speaker.
On International Women’s Day, meet Erica Hughes, creator of the virtual produce market Farmer Meets Foodie.
Gulf Savannah NRM is backing a project to encourage Etheridge Shire teenagers to pursue careers in the STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
It’s been a good start to the wet season across most of the Gulf region, but what’s next? Our John McLaughlin has been crunching the latest climate data to bring you this video update for the Gulf.
Our E-Beef project is trialling Ceres Tags on bulls at Eveleigh Station near Mount Surprise. The tags are a world first direct to satellite tag, sending location, movement and animal health data.
They can run for 10 years without a battery change.
Our Gulf wet season is off to a good start in many places, with cyclone Tiffany and the monsoon dropping some good rain here and there.
What’s next? Well, our John McLachlan has been working the forecast models, measuring the Madden Julian Oscillation and the Equatorial Rossby waves to bring you the latest on the Gulf region weather for the next few weeks.
An independent review of Gulf Savannah NRM says the organisation is delivering results for Gulf region communities, building capacity and developing strategic partnerships.
We live in a beautiful region. We want to celebrate that by sharing your photos on our social media, website, and in the Gulf Croaker magazine.