Grazing Futures roadshow book in the works

We took renowned grazing industry expert Dr Geoffry Fordyce on an epic road trip to remote cattle stations in our region early in the dry season. Grazing is 90 per cent of land use here. It’s an important industry and a way of life, but there are some big challenges.

We ran three full-day events with Geoff, at Pinnacle Station, west of Laura, Western Creek near Forsayth, and Woodstock Station near Richmond. People came from all over to share ideas on how to improve fertility and reduce cattle losses. These are significant challenges in the Gulf region, so it was good to bring people together to share ideas, ask questions, and tap in to Geoff’s expertise.

We were thrilled by how much good information was generated by the roadshow, and subsequent discussion confirms the event has planted some good ideas around the region. Watch the video to get a feel for the event and the themes. We’ve decided to put it all the information together and publish a small book to share with you. Work is underway. Contact us if you’d like to receive a copy.

And here’s the video we made about the Grazing Futures roadshow.

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