Northern quoll numbers dropped dramatically when cane toads spread through northern Australia.
Only found in the north of our continent, quolls have disappeared from most of their range in northern Australia. Populations have also been affected by feral cats, cane toads and habitat loss and change.
They are the smallest of four Australian quoll species, with a body length of 25-37cm, a reddish-brown fur, cream underside, white spots on their backs and rumps, a blackish tail and pointed snout.
A new project is trialing conservation methods to address this at Brooklyn Wildlife Sanctuary near Mt Carbine on the Mitchell River, with grant funding from the Australian Government’s Environment Restoration Fund.
Five organisations will work together on activities including artificial dens for quolls, genetic research and controlled burn programs. Gulf Savannah NRM has teamed up with Terrain NRM, Western Yalanji Traditional Owners, Australian Wildlife Conservancy and James Cook University to deliver this project.
Gulf Savannah NRM CEO Zoe Williams also welcomed the new project. “This is a fantastic opportunity to harness the knowledge and skill sets of many different people,” she said. “It will bring together a mix of traditional knowledge, ecological skills and genetic research capabilities to support the recovery of the northern quoll.”
You can read the full article in our October issue of the Gulf Croaker.