gulf savannah

Resilient Futures for Queensland’s Gulf Savannah

The Resilient Futures project centres around increasing our Gulf community’s preparedness and resilience to natural disasters.  The project will focus on creating awareness and understanding of the risks of fire, flooding and cyclones both with individual landholders and local government authorities. This project is funded by the Commonwealth Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.

Salubrious Soils

The project focuses on management practices to build soil health and optimise production, the links between healthy, balanced soils and resilience, the latest soil research and technology, soil sampling and interpretation, National Soil Monitoring and Incentives Pilot Program and Carbon farming opportunities for income diversification. This project is supported by the Australian Government’s Smart Farms Program.

Data for the Future

Many factors inhibit graziers collecting data including a lack of systems and processes for collection and storage of relevant data, and understanding what data would be useful for decision making. This project showcases businesses using data driven decision tools, and supports producers in data collection. Supported by Agrifutures Australia, Producer Technology Uptake Program.

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