
Gulf Savannah NRM

We’re a non-profit company and a registered charity, working with people and communities to create opportunities for current and future generations in the Gulf region. Our projects help strengthen communities and industries. We cultivate living landscapes to support local livelihoods.

The Gulf Savannah NRM team works from offices in Georgetown, Croydon and Mareeba, connecting science, technology and landcare to improve productivity for farmers and graziers. We balance social, economic and cultural interests and maintain environmental values and healthy ecosystems.

Our projects include regenerative farming, healthy soils, Indigenous partnerships, new technologies for agriculture, grazing business resilience, environmental education, and advocacy for better telecommunications for the region.

Want to work with us?

Are you passionate about agriculture and the environment? Want to help build our region's resilience to disaster and climate impacts? Do you have skills in managing and delivering projects, or engaging with landholders? We want to hear from you.


Improving Land Condition in Northwest Queensland

We’re part of a collaborative project focused on improving land condition, boosting productivity, and enhancing biodiversity.

Glorious Gouldians

Once common across northern Australia, in recent decades the Gouldian finch population has declined dramatically to an estimated few thousand mature individuals in the wild.

Annual Report 2023-24

The Gulf Savannah NRM board endorsed the 2023-24 Annual Report at the AGM held in November. It contains updates from directors, program managers and the CEO on the past 12 months — and looks forward to new projects and funding.

New Role to Boost Sustainable Agriculture

We’ve strengthened our team with the appointment of a Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator to work with farmers, landholders, industry, and community groups.

A Haven for Nature

A new nature refuge has been declared in the Northern Gulf region to support our unique biodiversity.

Following on from last year's Digital Capacity series of workshop, we are offering the next level of Xero for Business.


Land Monitoring and Evaluation

This project aims to assess the state of land condition in the Northern Gulf region through a monitoring system and train landholders in using land monitoring as a tool to improve management decisions. This project is funded by Queensland Government’s Natural Resources Recovery Program.

The Gulf Savannah Story

Our region doesn’t have a lot of historical data about land use, management practices, or conditions. This project will focus on recording oral history interviews from locals with a keen eye for long-term changes, so we can better understand how the natural condition of our region is trending. This project is funded by the Queensland Government’s Natural Resources Recovery Program.

Resilient Futures for Queensland’s Gulf Savannah

The Resilient Futures project centres around increasing our Gulf community’s preparedness and resilience to natural disasters.  The project will focus on creating awareness and understanding of the risks of fire, flooding and cyclones both with individual landholders and local government authorities. This project is funded by the Commonwealth Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.

Salubrious Soils

The project focuses on management practices to build soil health and optimise production, the links between healthy, balanced soils and resilience, the latest soil research and technology, soil sampling and interpretation, National Soil Monitoring and Incentives Pilot Program and Carbon farming opportunities for income diversification. This project is supported by the Australian Government’s Smart Farms Program.

Data for the Future

Many factors inhibit graziers collecting data including a lack of systems and processes for collection and storage of relevant data, and understanding what data would be useful for decision making. This project showcases businesses using data driven decision tools, and supports producers in data collection. Supported by Agrifutures Australia, Producer Technology Uptake Program.

Showcasing Resilient Grazing Landscapes with Better Biodiversity

This project aims to showcase how resilient grazing landscapes (those in better land condition) also have better biodiversity. To achieve this we aim to use innovative automated field survey methods to gain a snapshot of biodiversity in both good and poor land condition paddocks for comparison. We’re collaborating with JCU on this project, which is supported by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority.

Fire Smart Mareeba Shire

This project aims to build community bushfire resilience within the Mareeba Shire. It is lifting the level of fire literacy, community coordination and confidence in responding to and mitigating fire risk. This is being achieved through providing resources, targeted fire mitigation and management planning at a community and property level. This project has received grant funding from the Australian Government.

Drop in the Bucket: Citizen Scientists Monitoring Water Quality

This project provides important water quality and ecosystem health data for rivers in our region. Citizen scientists use observational methods to assess the health of our river systems. Supported by the Queensland Government.

Climate Mates

Climate Mates is part of the Northern Australia Climate Program, helping graziers better manage drought and climate risks. We help graziers use forecasts and adopt new climate tools to make informed management decisions. Supported by the Queensland Government Drought and Climate Adaptation Program and Meat and Livestock Australia.

Prickly Acacia Management

This thorny shrub or small tree encourages erosion, threatens biodiversity, decreases pastures, and forms dense thickets that interfere with stock movement. Preventing spread is a high priority. Our project supports landholders through education, awareness, and on-ground control. Project supported by the Australian Government.

Grazing Futures

Supporting grazing business resilience by assisting recovery from extreme climate events and improving future preparedness. It’s funded through the Drought & Climate Adaptation Program, building strong partnerships between regional NRM organisations and the Queensland Department of Agriculture & Fisheries.

Gulf Savannah NRM supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Gulf Savannah NRM supports the Sustainable Development Goals

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